A recent announcement by the ÒGuardianÓ that the National Fund for Research into Poliomyelitis and Other Crippling Diseases was prepared to take up the cause of the Òthalidomide babiesÓ has resulted in a national appeal being started on their behalf. Lady Hoare, the Lady Mayoress of London, is opening today a special appeal for children born crippled after their mothers had taken thalidomide during pregnancy. Money raised through the appeal will be used to finance research into the causation and prevention of these congenital abnormalities and to develop new types of apparatus and techniques to help those born cripples. This development was prompted by my asking the Director of the National Fund on the night of July 6 if he would put up a substantial sum for research into congenital anomalies. Mr Duncan GuthrieÕs reply (which was published in our second and subsequent editions) was that his fund would provide £25,000 to promote research into the cause and prevention of such disorders, and a further £25,000 to further worthwhile research likely to help the victims of deformities acquired in this way.